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Sunday, April 4, 2010
kerana cerita ini lah, mendorong i untuk memakai tudung. so the style i'll be wearing is from the 6.40mins-8.40mins. watch it loves. ((: will shopping for more dresses. i like! *winks* mr a'z. wa rindu banget sama lu. nyeh~ since i got nothing better to do. i changed my blogskin and stuffs. new songs been added. the song lies-mc magic was arwin's song. so i don't want to hear his song. duh-uh. lol. wheather is super *yawnnnnnnnnnnn*. im sleepy. okay. school please. can u be quick. my life is so boring. budak-budak cambodia dah pulang. hehehehe. siap sedia, keluar!!!!!!!!!!!!! yahoooo. imissyouallsomuch. including my hunny bunny murny & sha. loves. okay, name are revealed. a.b.a is arwin bin azman. heh. HE was the one who followed me to the ecp outing. yes, we dated but not anymore. he own a girl now. so again, fail in love. lol. nevermind. im happy to see him happy. mr a.z ade. hehehehe. scratching my head over the past moments in my life. -__-" *scratching* 26-march-2010 TGIF, so went out with the left overs girlfriends. iqa,nana,su following us will be is & arwin & epin. *name revealed* urgh. okay, meet them all the bedok interchange and buy macd since my tummy was roaring and off to chai chee community club. is have booked the place and it was super worth it. $6 for 5 hours. nyeh, it starts off with shy singing but after arwin & epin left due to some appointments made we sang like no one would ever believe. ainkk *setan dah naik* afterall it was a fun outing, i went to bugis with nana after that and bought a bag. now no money (: 27-30 march 2010 nothing much, just slacked at home. 29 & 30 i have my practical lesson. gees. now im stucked in stage 2.6 i guess. bila nak pass eh? lol. 31-march till 2-april 2010 sleepover session at grandma house. went to ikea on one of the days and went back home on friday afternoon. met safuan and ate macd at jp. he was super shocked seeing me wearing tudung and soon, he said. im sorry i tak biase dgn ppm pakai tudung. oh well. (: my uncle came over to my house and slacked, at night we went to al-ameen bukit timah and guess what. i saw arwin and his new girlfriend. uh-oh. i said hi and he gave me this face *uh-oh, shocked* and again i was given an unpleasent look from that girl. urgh, please. arwin is yours not mine. short-haired, wears white tube dress. make up mesti mau ada and quite dark tone. okay. enough. possibility, arwin drive cus i didn't saw him holding helmets. biasalah, lelaki ada car siapa taknak kan? tunggu ye, aku ade car. korang jantan sume boleh blah. *wide smile* 3-april-2010 slacked at home and went to aunty house late afternoon. at night. biasaaaaaaaaaa broo. teh tarik jugak wa punya spot. and off to sleep at 3am. today, 4-april-2010 no plans lah bro.. -____________- Saturday, March 27, 2010
A.B.A. PLEASE OPEN YOUR HEART TO ME. PLEASE. tsktsk. IMISSYOU! Tuesday, March 23, 2010
updates (: friday 19-march-2010. swimming plan was cancelled, tsk! im having my monthly period. *tak perlu bilang* but, its sad. i wanted to swim badly eventhough i don't know how to swim. HAHAHAHHAH! instead, my cuzzys came to my house, we slacked and we talk about the funny moments in our life. after that, ate at my usual place, teh tarik (: saturday 20-march-2010. no plans were made actually, but i get to meet up someone and my dearest adik, syuhaidah. tsk. she went to cambodia and will be back on the 4th april. bought hariz birthday present. and soon that someone go off since he had made some plans with his friends. so i and syuu slacked at macd and we went seperated ways cus im going to my nenek house at eunos and she off to home. 3 injections. omg. slacked at nenek house and went home home after that. nothing much . nyets. sunday 21-march-2010. slept till late afternoons, still no plans going on, only some assumptions and plans made by my dad, which is to visit my another nenek house at redhill. tsk. its my dad's side. so yah, chalet to hariz birthday party was missed since nenek is sick. shop at sheng siong at ate at ABC don't know where coffeeshop. seriously, the nasi ayam penyet sambal is nice. *first time trying* hahaha. after that went to nenk house and slacked. ergh~ *sleepover at nenek house* (: monday 22-march-2010. woke up early in the morning as early as *thinking* 11am? geees, asked nana to accompany me to cairnhill community club for job screening held by NTUC WDS. i don't know what is that. so jolly well, i went to that place since ive already been registered. and it was boring~ - ______ - however, we got free food. yummy, nasi lemak qiji. *slurp* finish up the food and create some stories and off to bugis. WINDOW SHOPPPINGGGGGG *no money lah* im aiming for that long dress. hahahaahaha. after much, head to bb and lepak with nazri and off to bbdc for my practical and someone there to pick me up. MR S. we slacked at jp and off to home. tuesday 23-march-2010. ahh.... nice weather to sleep BUT sadly, i have my practical at early as 09.50 am, tsk. nak tak nak kene bangun jugak. ergh~ supposedly today, i should have drive out of the circuit but i don't know lah, atleasr i learn new things which is supposed to be learn way before this review. okay, nvm. need a few more practice insyaallah, i'll be confident. ((: meeting MR S. again today. im thinking, bila ni nak tido rumah nenek. hahahahahahahaha! ADIOTS. ((: Friday, March 19, 2010
father's love. ayah, i miss talking to you. could we reunite? i didn't know in his silence he stills care about me. if he doesn't, he don't even bother to keep my reef slipper which i wore today in the store. afraid that it might get stolen. tsk, thank you ayah. goodnight. and yes, went out with ibu and adik to ikea today and bought his stuffs. so get wet tommorow. im going swimming! (: what a day *wide smile* i was out with girlfriends on the 17th of march 2010. eventhough its not the destination we are going too actually but it turns out pretty well. everything was fine, even the weather. alhamdullilah. we are supposed to have fun at sentosa but ended up at ecp. lol. met them at eunos around 12pm, as usual im late. heh, and so HE followed and be the driver for the day. me: "you, i and empat org kwn i. muat ke?" him: "sumbat aje lah''. so he drived us to ecp with his cute car and soon we arrived. we pitched the tent and somehow remember my NPCC good times w sha n eka all. lol. what a great memories. after much, we sat and ate our lunch, i brought nasi goreng , iqa with her 'erra fazira hotdogs' and nuggets. su with the coke n 100plus drinks, nana with grapes and tidbits. lol. we talked, we laughed. after thinking enough, HE confrimed that HE wants to swim so i followed HIM to HIS house and waited while HE took HIS stuffs and drove back to ecp. so after that HE slept inside the tent while i and other play by the beach and took some pictures. after HE woke up, we get changed and off to the sea. isn't cute, HE wears pink and black shorts and same goes to me. lol. unfortunately, i didn't bring my inner wear but thanks to HIM i get all wet. tsk! haha. we sat and chat and play with the stupid sand. i swear HE was the first one to see me with my tudung and HE is the first one who sit with me by the sea. im happy to be with HIM even we are just friends. tsk. then, we decided to walk around and watch people skimmed and off to macd to buy my ice-cream (: HIS treat. lol. back to our area and get wash up. pack up our things and off to geylang teh tarik and we departed, cus HE had some karaoke-ing with his NS friends. so, since my parents were out to johor, i , nana and su slacked at geylang's macd and talk crap spending our own times together. reached home at 11.40 and off to sleep at 12.30 i guess? overall, its awesome and girlfriends. i love you so much. and to HIM. thank you too. shall meet you soon and don't forget your shorts is with me. hahahahaha. ps, "how i wished i had you in my arms." Tuesday, March 16, 2010
muslimah day out. oh yes, BOHEMIAN fashion are loved.*wink* er, okay. this is how round my face looks like, yar my new style ? how about you iqa? *EVIL LAUGH!* PS; taken by iqa. geees. 16 march 2010. |