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Saturday, February 28, 2009
uh uh uh . im back . haha . apology for making this blog of mine private for time being . sheesh . stress about something which i shouldn't (: cry about someone which is no use . (: so lets ENJOY ! ive got alot to blog actually . starting from last thursday , when i perm my hair with my bff (rushdy) . that normal perm which i find is a waste of money . $50 gone ! . sheesh . sucks . cause now its ruin . heh . i make it ruin cause i forget that it cant be comb down . *slenge* so i think im going to waste my money again this time for digital perm (: & thanks to atyra who recommend me the salon . cheap . $70 aje . so looking foward to my another perm-ed hair . thank you rushdy razak for teman-ing me . (: sayang kau kawan . that thursday 26/02/09. was also the day that i met him . should i call him or sexylove ? nah , stick with him better . *don't you think so?* it was our 1st time . -.-" kinda funny cause we both sesat . *LOLS* but 1 thing in common , we actually don't plan but we wore the same colour top . & so yadayada . we took a bus & headed home . pathetically , he is rushing cause its peak hour . -.-" support him up with his motor prac . so do your best to pass it okay . & that's my thursday . its no use crying , he asleep anyway . sometimes i felt so left out . i don't know what are WE . and i don't know why he treat likes there's nothing between us . whatever , im tired of you [!] no use talking about him also . went out with rushdy razak , haha , a last min plan (: i forced him to follow me since i was BUIH-ED by my own gf . so we headed to where we want to go , sekali die tutup dah ~ then we headed to imm & makan (: we buy something together , like friendship band gitu la . so kalau terpandang that thing we remember each other . *friends forever* -.-" & being a good friend of mine , he help me choose my necklace & my anklet . ; aku pilih sumue style . again -.-" walk around imm and headed to jrg west lame . and do our survey , thot of perming at that point of time . but like no time gitu . so he say , kite pegy besok jelar (: & he promised . 9.30am okay kawan . that's all for not so good tonight . & again thanks to my dearest friend & cuzin who willing to lend a ear . rushdy razak , sham , cuz shida , atyra . thk you . & for you dear . i hope u're realise what are doing to me . looking foward for tomorrow outing . hold my hands together and pray that everything runs smoothly . amin . Wednesday, February 25, 2009
now the time is 10.31pm . i still had yet receive a message from him . since 12:45:51 . i don't know where you go . i don't know where are you now . i just don't know ! i got nothing else to say . hate me leave me . :'( for the second time . Tuesday, February 24, 2009
im stupid bored . fish ~ with the weather like that . awww , nice to catch a long sleep . hahas . sexylove is out studying again [!] b !!!!!!! u owe me post . grrr ! belajar2 , hahas . weak la you . b , thursday meet me (: kkk , i love you so mucchhh ! finally i went out . haha , can't stand sitting at home doing nothing (: went to ikea with ibu . cus she say she wanna buy some rugs . but we ended up buying lots of stuffs . haha , we buy MY lamp (: hall punye stand lamp . 2 rugs (: & some kitchen stuffs . & i envy each of their showrooms . ya allah , lawa giler . kalau la my whole house was like that . *angan2 mau lebih * no way angan2 eh . i can make that as a wish come true (: since im going to take my favourite course . haha , ape lagi . workhard uh beb . gaji maut okay (: not only the whole house . dgn corridor2 sekali aku buat (: heh , for now . duduk pat rumah diam okay . sexylove just reach home (: miss him . "im not sexy" -.-" of course you are not . hahahs . im going to perm my hair , insyaallah tomorrow . nak dye , c nanti marah . i tak dye you nak dye ~ hahah , you shhh ! & to that "wanz esparada" esprada ke , esprado ke . esso ke . pergi mati sudah la kamu . *malay pekat [!] * baru kenal nak jumpe , tak pergi sekolah ke ? pastu , bbual manenye fanatic je . . okayla , till here . iloveyou sexylove . Monday, February 23, 2009
list of what i miss ; 1; i miss my sexylove . 2; i miss my girlfriends . 3; i miss my secondary sch life !!! 4; i miss sleeping in class . 5; i miss texting in class . 6; i miss being bullied by my classmates . 7; i miss going to the toilet with my gfs at sch . 8; i miss eating at sch canteen . 9; i miss when the time i was punish when im late for sch & was asked to stand behind .*malu oi!* 10; i miss when we kena spotcheck *seram2* . 11; i miss when we sing sch song . 12; i miss when i cry while talking to my counsellor . 13; i miss the teachers who taught me . 14; i miss the time when im having my NPCC camp . 15; i miss sleeping in tents . 16; i miss my GOH time . *kening up2* 17; i miss when i action la kan , take over my npcc squad (: 18; i miss mr lim! the pizza & kfc teacher . 19; i miss wearing the kental sch uniform . 20; i miss night study , actual fact (explore!) that's alot (: im getting sleepy . people do this if you cannot sleep. it works on me . *yawnzz* bye . Sunday, February 22, 2009
here i am to blog again . *smile* went to jp with mum & dad & my irritating lil bro (: and im so in love with my perm-ed do my self hair . & im going to make it permanent (: yay [!] this is what i notice in my bag , what i always bring is my IPOD . wallet . hairclip & hairband . i cant live without my watch (: thats the least i bring when i go out . haha , ni tkde kje berbual psl brg . nonsense [!] the most i don't like day is sunday . & its the period when most of the people spend their time at shopping centers. that is total freak [!] cus nnt jln gesek2 la . terlanggar la . & everything . stupid . & what i notice now the trend is ; hair extensions. aww , done that (: but i cnt stand people with lots of hair extensions with COLOURS . its so UN-COOL . if like some strand okay la . but kinda like whole hair ??? -.-" & i seriously hate when there's a couple opposite me. & her bf looked at me & then the gf like kinda give me a hard stare . oh-puuhhhlllleeaassseee . -.-" if you have a boyfriend . i have too okay . talking about bf , sexylove is sleeping . i understand . mane tak penat . after keje then pergi blaja . & his style is penat boleh belajar , klw tk penat tk boleh masok . bengong [!] apa punya style dahh b....... ~ dun mind lah okay , janji u happy i happy (: thinking of meeting him today [!] monday kan ? but mum spoil the plan la . ajak pergi ikea pulak . grr . & when is the time im going to perm my hair ??!! stupid . i miss my colleagues . esp , kak nurul & karen . shhessh . & my favourite milk digestive biscuit . since this thursday im sending my company's stuff back . i meet sexylove sekali la kan & go vivo meet my peeps (: yay [!] haha , thats all . sleeping with my make up . ROSAK [!] ILOVEMYSEXYLOVE . bored bored bored . heh -.-" sexylove is working . & im cool with it . ahahas , i miss him of cuz but he's working kan . tk mcm dulu . hehehe . he's been complaining about the people who's unhappy with him . & his pants are wet & all . hahah , funny la him . mum keep nagging about the electric bills . ala , dah bagos tu org ddk umah main laptop dari keluar melepak . tak pasal jd minah . *LOL* 1 more month to go beb . school here i come . i rather travel long distance than sit in this house all day long . goodness . & because of mum getting on my nerves too . kla , dats ol . i love you sexylove (: ive chge my blogskin again . and my tagboard too . cause got this tkdekje spammer dirty-ingg my tagboard . & idk why its so colour-fool [!] shhesssh , hahah ! (: thank you shikin . haha . again , im starting to learn something new . well done . precisely , i neither copy nor paste from anybody's blog . so i SHOULD bangga . heh -.-" sexylove is sleeping right now. as days goes by , he SLOWLY change *big2 smile* i don't expect he change that fast but he slowly does it . & not suprising i love him more than ever (: "b i busy cus im working hard now so that when we marry we are happy , no financial problems syg" awww , sweets (: he do have this kind of thingking actually when we fight . not like some other guy who crap alot . but solve nothing . good thinking aliff (: hahah . ireallydoloveyoualot. & im getting use to it with his system . haha , and he too to my system . promise you , i'll trust you b (: today , a being a suu-ee-hh night , my wireless internet router rosak [!] stupid , because of you im sitting in my living room [!] so i guess im gg to sleep early . so i shall end here (: walap! iloveyou. love; shikin Saturday, February 21, 2009
okay , im pretty bored . serious shit . not pretty bored . BUT TOTALLY BORED ! ive been sitting for almost more than 48 hours playing my laptop. browsing ppl's blog. chk my tagged . & blog .. love is busy studying . & i was supposed to MEET him today . but thks to my "lovely" mum . & the grt weather . had a misunderstanding with mum since yesterday . & brought foward it till today [!] idk la want she wants . and im freaking bored to hell. no money , no job & no LIFE . school pls pls pls . start early for my sake ....... life after o level is freaking bored . what i do i eat & laptop & sleep . & some stupid fella didn't understand what is the meaning of im att . sheesh , ask me out when i myself didn't have the chance to meet love. not fair okay [!] ilovemyone&only alep. ((: i was passing by to someone's blog . goodness , just bcus her bf is a diff religion . she wanted to change religion . okay , im no good myself . but itu kan dosa besar . whatever it is , again im no good myself . diff people diff destiny . so all the best of luck *wink* love; shikin "ihopemyhusbandgonnabeguidemethroughsafely(:'' Friday, February 20, 2009
the quote , "why don't you love me , the way i love you ?" "you're gonna hurt me ; cuz im tired of crying" i know i must be understanding . but how long , ppl do have feelings . i can try to understand you but do you ever understand me ? i didn't ask you that much . just a simple text saying that u care abt me & you love me . its that so hard ? i don't wish to brag but , whatever [!] i don't know what u take me for . sometimes i wonder what are WE . i don't disturb you when u're out study or whatever stfs u're doing . & i waited for you to come home . wait for you to text me . wait for you to call me . but what i get in return . i know i have my weakness . i know im not like others girls . but that's me . if you can't accept me , by all means . you know i love you . but . thks rushdy razak & syafiq rosli (: thks for making my tears dry . & idk why im crying . sensitive , easily hurt . i think so .. & rushdy , org bisu uh .. haha (: syg kau kwn . *bile mau pizza!* thats for tonight , im hurt enough . thank you . ; "i thought i want to meet you up but ..." 'just a random feelings, don't wronged me" Wednesday, February 18, 2009
today mum's dapur menu = tomyam [!] yum2 , sungguh sedap (: idk why the heck im talking abt food . hahahas . & im getting circle [!] my face bulat , my perot . don't say [!] my morning sleep was disturb by my mum -.- & so was forced by her to go gek poh . (what kind of name is that?) & yadayada at thr . & something funny happen . gosh , i was talking to my mum abt nowadays economy . & beg her to pray for me & blessed me so that i can get a job . & was talking about money & stfs . then the bus came . then i say , "eh mak . duit" we LOL in the bus . do you get it ? hahah . if slow kn . what i meant is i want to say "eh mak bus" but tersasul duit (: yadayadayada . idk why mum talk crap today . she say rendam baju pat kuali la . angkat ayam da kering la. mak mak mak , peninngggggggggggggggg . -.- i love you mak (: hubbeey busy with his study . everyday study . tak pecah ke otak you b ? nvm , gdluck for your upcoming exam dear . & iloveyoualways . btw , its funny la b . talam dua muke ehh .. hahah! muke mcm BUDAK2 abes . cute ((: & tomorrow im gg for another interview . childcare center (: kids & kids & kids . super - CUTE . & now i know how important is O LEVEL CERTIFICATE. & backing up is your experience . you need that two . im trying new line so i hope & i prayed hard . atleast give me a chance to have that experience (: gdluck (: iloveyouhubby(: ; shikin . Tuesday, February 17, 2009
& wait , haha . i totally forget about my motor story (: i mean my motor soon to be . err , my dad one actually (: thks eh abg alep ! nsb baek kau tk mati . & i felt pity to that friend of yours who died in the accident . a BIG MISTAKE you all SHOULD LEARN . NEVER RIDE A MOTORCYCLE WITHOUT A LISENCE [!] & pls check that ur motorcycle is a safe one (: so now , its back here . to whr it belongs & to whr it rust . but thk you abg alep , mtr tu mcm muke kau jgK! . haha , mcm mat mtr peh kau tuka ? ish , mmg bdk design pon . cya on hari raye (: love ; your distant cuz (: this is what i do today (: err , hahas . its looks like what ! hey , but this is what u all do when sec 1 & 2 okay ? remember the recipe 'CHEESE MACARONI' npk mcm tk sdp kn . tp . sedap oii .. blum cube blom tau (: see that portion . eaten by my dad (: & not forgetting . HAPPY 17 YEARS ANNIVERSARY , MUM DAD (: MAY YOU TWO BLESSED WITH HAPPINESS TILL ETERNITY . YA ALLAH , SELAMATKN IBU ABAH KU DUNIE & AKHIRAT (: & you too dear , happy 1 week (: sheesh (: love ; shikin i don't know , how many times im going to keep changing my skin ! urghhh ~ 1stly , i myself feel like mcm tk puas gtu . 2ndly , who knows (NIL) say i copy . no originality . 3rdly , im BORED ! whatever . if im happy who cares right . cus i know myself better . & sometimes it can be coincident. just they don't know . whatever , hate to brag about small & stupid stuffs . thursday , kenduri ? mau pegy pe b? hahaha , this guy keep texting about his kenduri . & hubbeey pny siak . "kite pegy uh , dtg mkn je.. die jmpot ape .." ish , rude ! hahaha . x) life without him texting me . to where ever he goes & stuffs . im cool (: getting used to it . saved my prepaid also . heh . but after he's done with his study or takraw . we talk . talk bullshit . haa , (: & im totally broke . serious , i need a job . somebody hire me ! im good . hehehe . okay then , till here . love; shikin (: Monday, February 16, 2009
he's out , study again (: & me at home again , eventhough im 18 dis yr . i love cartoons . haha . & im watching avatar . gahahaaaha , the show is total cool . (: abt , love & friendships & protecting their own nation . wake up at 5 . wow . & it totally hurts , my tummy . stupid period ~ then went to inteview . haha . pray hard la eh . i don't know if i get that job or not (: & im scrared of cockroaches & i admit it . my goodness , you know when everymonth they will have this routine of spraying this chemical to get rid of that pests . eeeeWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeWWWWW! gross & i vomit bcus of that stupid lil' pest . wth ~ manenye tidak , that PESTS was all over the ground . some were dead & some were even crawling (!) that freak me out , *naek bulu roma (!)* "& WHERE ALL THE SAPU2 PPL !!!?????" i sapu you all then you know ! urgh ~ hubbeey was not happy with the resume guy . ofcourse luh , who's bf is happy ? when , a guy ask you to come over his house for a kenduri for his late bro . come on , i & him is not even a friend . & he even dared to treat me like his adek angkat . whatever ~ phew i had a boyfriend (: till then , i miss you . sapedek time ! (: you should try it , superbly nice . especially the NACHOS . & the CHEESE . heaven oii (: pastmaniac ~ that was what we have for my parents aniversary . (: whats ours ? (: i'm sorry . i didn't know that you're not use to the system. but , for me its really different . i felt insecure , being left out sometimes & then things gonna get negative. & i started to have those negative thoughts . i tried real hard & i do whatever things that keeps me busy . i know & i understand . but somehow or rather . i have feelings too . wanting to be loved & love sumone . i guess this is just a beginning , there's more to come . im sorry dear , really am . don't worry , soon im going to get busy too . & i guess more buzier than you . cause i have to manage my time with studies , work & soon my madrasah (: whatever it is , i know , deep inside . we love each other . deeply (: loved , shikin Sunday, February 15, 2009
Dear shikin, I know u want love,attention,affection and so on,but i cant give it to u at 1 go.Thats just how life is dear.Im only human.It hurts me most when u said ur mine but u feel sgl.I was so surprised u wrote that!I noe i cant text u every minute for 24 hrs,i noe i didnt tell u my whereabouts as im not used to ur system,i noe u didnt feel my love towards u BUT get this right dear,I LOVE U.Want me to repeat myself?I LOVE U.What is important is that i truly and sincerely love u.Life has its ups and downs.Dont expect us to be happy all the time.We are bound to quarrel,argue whatsoever.This is reality n not fantasy dear.We just have to accept the way it is. yours sincerely, Alep imisshim! (: yesterday , a lil bit of misunderstanding happen . v'tine day plak tu . he finished work damn late arnd 12.30 den finish . u imagine from 1pm to 12.30am . nk giler i dekat rumah ! hahaa, but pity him . penat2 only get $40 . wth , pity kan ... tkpela . he says that's enuf for his prac 7 (: then he online & he lyn2 me like so tired gitu . tk geram ? u imagine ive been waiting for you then u like this . grr , i sedih okay . then nangis . haha ! don't know why . morning i refuse to text him 1st , but he text me . (: hubbeey , hw you know im diff this morning ? sweet (: ilyhubbeey . later part in noon , went to pasta mania & celeb my parents 17 ANNIVERSARY . cool (: he says ; "cant wait to celeb OURS" yay ! (: dear hubbeey , eventhough we just know each other for a short time . & yet to know deep inside of each other .i want you to know that i love you deeply .u asked me what makes you stand up frm the rest . 1stly , im attracted to you cause you wear a cap . i know it sounds stupid but i really mean it . haha , with or without it i still love you . BUT ! PLS WEAR ? hehe . 2ndly , u're sweet , u have ur own goals & to achieve that goals you really work hard for it . 3rdly , u're busy man but you jolly well know how to manage it all , even though sumtimes u leave me ALONE . no text MSG also (!) 4thly , you know how to pujok me when im angry (: mcm cute gitu kan .. lastly , i didn't expect that you really care for me & love me so much . that makes me love you more (: yours truly , shikin (: saap ! tengokla , g takraw tk blg . i wait for you to text me . urgh ! i hate you ! tomorrow, got TWO jobs (: training at 7-11 & interview at watsons . gerek pe ....... haha . in the mood of working (: till then . checked ; "dont make me cry eh . im easily hurt tau . x)" you !!?! urgh . whatever . don't want to brag . slp bttr . Saturday, February 14, 2009
as promised , ive deleted ur photo . (: see , im a good girlfriend okay . haha . he's busy with his work , smp i msg pon die tk perasan . haha , imyimyimy hubeey . currently chatting with rizal , my pri sch mate (: can't wait to go to school . hehehe . new course but old friends . serious . many frm my pri sch friends (: tk ke gerek gituu , & hubbeey sch is near too .. *WINK* watsons , called me this morning saying that pls come for interview at pioneer mall . i was so happy & jump out of bed with my bantal busuk straight to mum's room . ''mak!! watson kol ." alhamdulillah (: i hope i get to work in watsons . thinking twice 7-11 not bad also . but its night shift , & im not too sure if its safe cus my dad say thr's been quite a few time of stealing cases in 7-11. whatever it is , i still need my parents blessings & opinion . cus i know , they are worry abt my safety . hubby too right ? haha . 1 whole day in my room does'nt seems bored . i don't qiute really understand why ppl need to go out when there is everything in ur house ! hurhur , overall im a HOMELY person . BUT when i step out of my house . fuhh ~ im waiting , still waiting , keep waiting & again waiting & waiting for him to msg .. i know u busy .. i'll be waiting patiently . & i love my new bangs (: hahha , tangan gatal kan .. cannot see my hair grow .. but amazingly , hair is very special . when u say u want to cut them off . automatically they will make themselves nice . hahahahah , stupid . okla, off to my 2nd mandi (: ilysm b . imy lots .. checked ; "klw kite kawin , kite kawin pat bwh laut ! ; "hotak you !" excuse me , ape girls kuat mrajok . they are not okay ! .. err, cume they want to attract their boyfriend attention je (: so , don't forget to ATLEAST wish them a simple good morning OR a text message saying ILOVEYOU . especially you (!) haha , my boyfriend is angry (: ala , picture aje mah . thanks to rushdy razak ! i'm hooked to this song ! tommorow is v'tine day . BUT hubeey say CANNOT celebrate . erm , whether there is v'tine day or no . i know , i love my boyfriend . ihopehelovemetoo (: he's working tommorow . kendarat , b ! u kje , kje eh .. jgn mate MERAYAP sane sini . jgn gatal2 ehh . haha . i dpt tau , ermm ! siap you . so AGAIN im left alone at home . he says ; "pls be understanding" i am dear , i trust you . i love you . (: okay , im going to stop here cause my eyes barely open . haha , gudnite (: checked ; "it seems that for you is nothing special" Friday, February 13, 2009
ive been "forced" to post once again.haha...that gal kate ngantok la nk tdolah tpi tak tdo2..ape saje je..die majok lau i never post..biaselah pompan,kuat majok..haha..its not surprising dat frm thousands of dollars in the bank and now u get $11..haha..gals,biase lah too much money too spend on themselves..haha...derma taknak..haha...till then... oh my , what is the different between internet explorer & firefox? haha , whatever i like (: hubbeey , still sleeping when i text him about my new job . & now , while im blogging he text me . no good morning ,nothing ! ape dahhh ~ & what was shocking . terrible ape . i update my passbook & what i saw is left $11.98. u imagine . from $2000 to that amount . giler oi !!!!! tak masok akal ! ... "gals .. biasela .. taktau nk save .. hehe .." sakitnye hatii ....... hahaha . but i know my fault . starting from today i shall not SHOP! for the things that i don't need. to impress the people that i don't know. haha , but for my own . suke2 uh . wait till i save atleast $1000 ! oh please...... i need to save up ! monday 7-11am . training . mauut ... what i hate most is waking up early . then i can start my new job ! $3.50 per hour , 8 hours daily . NO SPENDING . NAK MKN ALEK RUMAH . tuup tuup , let say i put i work arnd 23 days . $644 dok ! . hahaha . okay ape . THEN SAVE ! going to school soon . & to that hubbeey of mine . the consequences RABAK! ((: my boyfriend sneak2 to post and say i forced him . liar ! hahaha . im sleepy , really . tomorrow need to wake up EARLY . bb, wake me up . now its your turn . *evil laugh* NOMORE hair extensions ! yay , i just love my own hair . & it really hurts trying to pull it away when its stuck to ur old hair . (PHEW) mum was thr to help to comb & regain my old hair . & so , shikin da serik (: ps ; ilovemyrealhair! sweetheart is true , he's really busy . with his exam coming soon . blaja oi ! & his takraw , bola la , silat la. whatever . overall what he's really busy is SLEEPING ! HAHAHAAHA. its okay , janji die sihat (: hahaa, he says ; "tk boley celeb v'tine day . DOSA!" I KNOW LER . (: so hari2 present (: wuuuuhuuu . bb , nomatter what im awalys thr to support you & give all my love to you . just promise me that u'll never forget loving me . & i prayed hard that our r'ship last long . & i'll make you meet my parents ! & i tknk naik your vespa . when i got my car (: ilysm . here's your post miang! ily bb . (: mwaah! Kene ade title ke? bukan shikin ni alep..she asked me or rather forced me to post. Haha. I was asked to post wat im feeling now.Well,im feeling hungry now eventhough i had eaten.Suspect tak bace bismillah ah.Haha.She told me she's sleepy but doesn't want to sleep.Degil siol ni noe u want a long and lasting relationship.I cant confirm with u how long we'll last as things wont normally turn out as we plan.(even batteries yg ade chap last long pun tak last long tau).What i can promise u is that i will love u with all my heart eventhough im a bz's the post u 1 b..muah! alep whatever to that someone . what i know , i don't copy anybody . that is what i get for my hardwork . i do myself . sorry eh . im not a copier & i dont copy & paste . i did ask my chi friends what is the html code colour web . i dont have time to copy . pls don't be a kpo . whatever -.- Thursday, February 12, 2009
NOT FORGETTING MY GF BIRTHDAY. SERI MURNY BINTE KAMAL (: happy birthday to you girl. may all ur wish come true & hope your life will be blessed. i pray you are safe in earth & world after . love you sis (: see ! hahah , he says ; "haiya, beh tkde duet nyesal .peje. nangis2" haha, mcm org tua2 kan ? membebel je . haha b , u diam eh . haha . im going for my 2nd nearest job ever 7-11 pioneer mall. "hello, may i speak to ashikin?" "um okay , ashikin pls come tomorrow at 10 & bring all the necessary things" yeah .. hahaha. soon my pocket not pokai anymore (: looking foward to err, saving! NOT shopping (: checked; "3.50 pr hour?" hahaha! im going simei oi ! (: idk why im so happy , i guess i love my course ! (: checked ; "ily miang!"Nur Ashikin , you have been accepted in ITE COLLEGE EAST HIGHERNITEC CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. woohoo , 31 march pls report between 9-12. that part! (W)(T)(H) (!!) i MUST wake up early to reach simei in 1HR journey . urgh ! kedebak kedebook! all including my fees & uniform $200. wow (!) abah bayar , not me . hehehehhe. *senyum lebar2* okay cantik! im left with ZERO money in my wallet ! nyahaha. cus i & ibu share duet -.- buy this *I THINK* important machine . ((: to get my hair done! so no wasting money AGAIN for perming my hair or rebond or whatever . & i think it should be okay . hahaha. mum says ; "belajar dulu , jangan nk melawa ! ALLAH tentukn jodoh kau!" *nodding* ye makk. i sayang aliff mak . haahhaaa! hubbeey wake up himself (: hahaha, sorry laa , i tk sadar uh b.. ilysm . & to dat GILER. pls stop disturbing us . read this (!) SHIKIN IS ATTACHED TO M. ALIFF (!) take care (.) till i blog again , going out (: checked: "im wearing cap (:" at last i chge my blog skin ALONE ! WITHOUT no one help(: yay! clever rite , tgkla sape punye . >< chatting with him right now. & look , he flood my tagboard with NONSENSE! hahahaha! (: we are still very new , i hope it gets better as days goes by . b! READ (!!) my horoscope carefully (.) i hope you understand it . heheh . that was copied frm eqa , sry uh beb . :] had a short & fun day today with my colleagues(: ; lei : karen ; kak nurul . shopping for the things i actuali don need (: but nice though . hahah. "yela you . nnt ckp tkde duit la ini la .." next job to be done - MY HAIR (!) serious ! after that i don't see anything to change abt me . but serious talking , my very 1st outing out of s'pore with friends . except the sch trip la ehh . -.- say whatever u want to . looking forward to filipin (: im so happy dat hubbeey pass his prac 6 . still long oi b . haha, pelan2 kayuh la ehh (: & his dream of owning vespa. hahaha! ilysm b. checked ; "din thot u care for me . (: ily (!)'' Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i COPY from eqa (: (HIS)-JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn. (HER)-JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. {Easily hurt but takes long to recover.} --> this is SO true. Monday, February 9, 2009
![]() haha , friday ni kn nk tunang (!) mcm phm oi .. mak ckp ; "gatal ! mcm minachi kt psar jual rempah kari ?" hahaha , ni minachi mlayu asli okay mak ! (: this wednesday im gg off to johor w kak nurul & geng. (: "kak , naek bus pe?" "aboden , aku pny lesen police tk kasi lagy uh " mcm phm , padahal blom amek lesen . x) cnfm gerek pny , pokai duet aku ! burn2 ! haha . err makk , "$30 pls ?" ((: kt sane ape lagy , cr skirt & handbag uh beb ! hurhur .. HIS PART : b....wednesday i nk g jhr tau dgn kwn kje ..nk ikot tak? "uatpe? i ade prac uh ." kol bpe? i alek mlm uh .den aft dat we meet la. "kol 1020,mlm? i tk suke uh jmp ppm mlm2..agypon i skola bsok" errmm , amek i uh . "kn i blg ,bsk i skola" dat part my darah boiling2 (!) tknk amek suda ! i alek with kak nurul . tk care lansong . HIS PART 2 (: : "syg? jgn la marah..." tkla, g tdo la bsk i kjot. "b........dun like dat . ily b" ((: dats makes my smile2 :)) ilysm (!) i niek sensitive ckit . hurhur . idk la ehh , if dis itouch guy gonna be last & only . i SUPER really donnoe . talking abt gg into long r'ship , nvr been thr b4 . but ive tried b4 but it doesn't work . try to be single also seems to be difficult . maybe , u cn call me a low self esteem girl uh . but i JUST don't know (!) it takes two hand to clap . i leave it in god hands . "ya allah , klw die benar jodoh aku . kau tunjukkn lah jln kebenaran" amin . him ; - currently 20. studying in SP mechatronis (: -sgl but NOT available -taller den me , simple outfit & wears cap (: -english speaking . malay haprak ! -SERIOUS loyar burok -many commitment ( silat , bola, takraw, sch , soon ME ) -what else ? checked; " b , pinggang or pinggan?" Saturday, February 7, 2009
& atlast im att ? again ? out of blue . wth . :] but HE really captured my heart though . starting w the ipod touch tingy , den slowly in msn AJE . seriously , we kinda play some sort of game . tease & laugh & cry . den we started to care & find each other in msn. den start to miss each other . den aft a long moments of msn-ing . atlast we xchange num . the tease & gags we made turn into reality . i really din expect that . den slowly it started to bloom . Ka- BOOOMM !! . heh , lame -.- but still im scared to commit . idk . just hope it went smoothly . (: klw s'pore ble beli tembak . aku tembak adek aku dulu ! hhaha! btol . dala tdo mcm babi ! Thursday, February 5, 2009
![]() This gadget , ipod touch met us both . aww ! how sweet . Babeey , bz studying .. His exam coming in two weeks time . gdluck dearie :] Since i can't call him kan . I just wanna say IMISSYOUBABY! *winkzz* checked ; "shikin angau cinta" MY UNCLE *proudly* this perasaan muda guy is my uncle (: & was taken by my aunty (his wifey) (: umur je 37 ! prangai . *nau'zubillah!* kesian pooh aku . ahaha akon tgk akon mengucap ! gahaha , ps: "focus on the leg'' (lame oi !) checked ; "crap!" monday went to ite simei w my bf (acap luh) haha , gerek pe . acap ! appeal . aku hrp2 kau dpt luh seh skola tuu .. *doa2* & seriously ite simei ! *tink twice beb* frm jrg to simei .. wow! tk meletop bontot aku ? haah , ipod is thr to teman me (: met roshan too , he's cool . fun & he's crappy dat day . *sigh* chatting w him these few days was TOTALI different like last time . cus , he's gonna att soon . gues , its not him . maybe i lyk him maybe not . but just telling , ABIT portion of my heart like him . *heh* -.- gdluck la okay bf (: chekcked ; "he's not my superhuman for sure" this's for sun outing w sha & john & jan . ( the bth JJ sha's fren (:) i kpo2 only . haa , meet sha at intrchge kinda late . serioulsy . arnd 3.15 pm . haa , sry la bebey (: den head to bugis , da lame tk jejak bugis oi (: shop arnd & teman john cuz he buying bermudas . *wink* hes cute . thot dowane spend my money , skali ternpk dis skirt 0.o haha , $28 gone (: den walk arnd & headed to mkn . SUBWAY luh , haha . ( shh! ) suprisingly met ihsan ! he work at ANIMAL . *die tu animal oi , nt e kdai * *evil laugh * sha bought her lil bro top & donnoe la , she spend lyk gile . haah . den head to far east (: had my hair done . add2 hair . my god . *rosak!* thot of perming , goshh . wo meyo chien . *hee* den alek uh , tired gile (: checked: "perm2!" Monday, February 2, 2009
im tired , shall post tml . i lost him do i ?? checked ;"imy" Sunday, February 1, 2009
morning bushuk2 . :] since da busuk kan , tu tandenye i haven bath yet . hahah ! so wht -.- laugh & giggle w hym . so funny . he watching bola . sape menang uh ? tell me .. oh yah, dat cap-boy kan . eew , he so prangai ! sebijik mcm arwahnye ex aku . geram !!! g mati dgn kau eh . gfs !! whr r you man , i nk g perm rmbut nii . jomlaa , teman ii . what the hell ! my adidas slipper was stolen . mcm nk nanges seh ... :'( checked ; "mak !!" haha , dats my room . OLD . *wink2* ignore , e messy-ness . actuali nice cume mls nk kmas :) from ; e front view . kk , dats e results shown . *clap3* frm 12-8 i kmas i RESHIFT ol my things into here . i guess u all know , im dead tired X) |